[gdal-dev] Adding missing EPSG codes to PROJ.4 and GDAL
Andre Joost
andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Sat Sep 2 09:04:06 PDT 2017
Dear all,
I have recently compared the downloadable SQL files of the EPSG database
(v9.1) with the output of gdalsrsinfo (v2.2.1). There are currently 368
CRS_codes missing, and I would like to have them reduced.
You can find a csv list at
Some CRS might fail due to exotic projection definitions, but there are
also several transverse mercator based projections, which should be
integrateable into PROJ.4 and GDAL.
Has there anybody worked lately on integrating them, and what would be
the safest way to do that without them getting kicked out with the next
EPSG database update?. And where should doubts be discussed: on the
Proj.4 mailing list, the gdal-dev mailing list or as Github issues?
There are a number of Colombian MAGNA-SIRGAS local grids, based on a
projection plane *above* the ellipsoid (unfortunately different for
every grid). This is similiar to the (now deprecated) NAD27 Michigan
based CRS EPSG:26811, 26812 and 26813. The solution there was to create
a new ellipsoid (EPSG:4268) with a and b increased by the projection
plane heigt above ellipsoid. This could be applied to the MAGNA SIRGAS
local grids as well, but would possibly need the creation of Geografic
CRS (without a EPSG code) for each case.
The list also contains a number of "NAD83(HARN) / WISCRS" for Wisconsin
counties. I wonder why those got dropped, while the "NAD83(2011) /
WISCRS" codes for the same counties are included.
André Joost
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