[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr, preserve_fid and Postgres sequences
César Martínez
cmartinez at scolab.es
Thu Sep 7 08:05:36 PDT 2017
Hi Jukka, see answer inline:
2017-09-07 16:48 GMT+02:00 jratike80 <jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>:
> Hi César,
> What are the problems you face when editing such layer?
If you later try to add a new record to the layer without providing an id,
it will raise an error, defeating the purpose of having a serial PK. For
INSERT INTO test1 (wkb_geometry)
VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(-5.34510248270791 36.1506091987899)',
4258)) ;
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test1_pkey"
SQL state: 23505
Detail: Key (ogc_fid)=(1) already exists.
They you must provide the ogc_fid by hand:
INSERT INTO test1 (ogc_fid, wkb_geometry)
VALUES (102, ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(-5.34510248270791
36.1506091987899)', 4258)) ;
> Do you have an
> alternative suggestion about what to do for the sequence?
The sequence should be initialized in the same way as it is done when
-preserve_fid is not provided.
For the layer & sequence in the example, the following SQL statement would
SELECT set_val('test1_ogc_fid_seq', max(ogc_fid)) FROM test1 ;
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> --
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