[gdal-dev] Achieving Better WKT -> EPSG Code Autodetection When Importing Layers to Postgis
Andrew Joseph
ap.joseph at live.com
Sat Sep 23 10:41:54 PDT 2017
> No need for a complicated thing like a JNI bridge, but someone has to
code it in GDAL. All the basic functionnality is there. Just needs to be
put together.
The main reason I suggested geotools is that one only needs to write only a
few trivial lines of code to get the correct EPSG identifier for a given
WKT string -so in theory, most of the work would be the JNI bindings
themselves. I provided a working sample below that would autodetect the
example SRID correctly as 2277. The only downside I have encountered so far
is the slow search speed -but that could be mitigated by caching strings
that have already been mapped. I wonder if there is a repository somewhere
that has a large number of arbitrary WKT strings from "the wild" mapped to
the correct EPSG code -would be useful for getting at least a rough sense
of accuracy for any given wkt -> epsg conversion solution.
> prj2epsg.org uses that (a much older version of it actually) along with
pure and simple full text search matches.
I was actually the person who asked them to put up that repo up on github
because I initially wanted to try their codebase for wkt -> epsg
conversion, thinking that it would be superior (and faster) than raw
geotools -but was astounded when I saw the wrong projection come back for
the WKT string. It might be worth submitting a pull request with updated
dependencies -since prj2epsg is typically referenced in various open source
GIS documentation and on gis.stackexchange as the simplest way to upload a
.prj file and get back the correct EPSG code.
import org.geotools.factory.Hints;
import org.geotools.referencing.CRS;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
public class BasicWktParser {
static {
System.setProperty("org.geotools.referencing.forceXY", "true");
Hints.putSystemDefault(Hints.FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING, "http");
Hints.putSystemDefault(Hints.COMPARISON_TOLERANCE, 1e-9);
public static void main(String[] args) throws FactoryException {
String identifier = CRS.lookupIdentifier(CRS.parseWKT(args[0]), true);
relevant build.gradle declarations:
dependencies {
compile (group: 'org.geotools', name: 'gt-epsg-hsql', version: '17.2') {
exclude module: 'jai_core'
compile (group: 'org.geotools', name: 'gt-epsg-extension', version:
'17.2') {
exclude module: 'jai_core'
repositories {
maven {
url "http://repo.boundlessgeo.com/main/"
maven {
url "http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/"
On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Andrea Aime <andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it>
> Hi Even,
> just a quick note about GeoTools and http://prj2epsg.org
> In terms of matching via GeoTools, we have spent quite some time building
> tables of aliases and
> some lax equivalence rules, think DMS is same a deegree, some tolerance on
> the parameter
> values, and so on.
> prj2epsg.org uses that (a much older version of it actually) along with
> pure and simple full text search matches.
> It basically extracts a set of keywords from the WKT and searches against
> a similar database
> built by indexing all of the EPSG database contents. This is actually what
> happens when you put
> in that prj file, the result you're pointing to is the 3rd match.
> If you input instead something that is actually equivalent, then you'll
> get a single result.
> Looks like Boundless made the old code for the site publicly available on
> github really recently:
> https://github.com/boundlessgeo/prj2epsg
> Still using a GeoTools 2.6.6, oh dear! :-)
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com
> > wrote:
>> > I've had this issue for years, but concede I might be missing
>> something. Is
>> > there anything that can remedy this issue utilizing existing
>> functionality?
>> No need for a complicated thing like a JNI bridge, but someone has to
>> code it in GDAL. All the basic functionnality is there. Just needs to be
>> put together. A basic approach would be to iterate over the EPSG codes from
>> the gcs.csv and pcs.csv files, use importFromEPSG() and compare the
>> resulting WKT with the user WKT. Some fuzzing would be needed to be robust
>> to slight naming variations, etc. This was actually an idea for a GSoc
>> project, but anyone is free to pick it up and bring his/her contribution.
>> In the .prj you pointed, prj2epsg first suggestion, EPSG:32139, is
>> actually completely inappropriate given it uses meter as linear unit,
>> whereas the .prj uses foot_us. EPSG:2277 looks to be the exact match. And
>> another interesting thing is that the .prj has Standard_Parallel_1 =
>> 30.11666666666667 and Standard_Parallel_2 = 31.88333333333333. Whereas
>> EPSG:2277 has them in the reverse order. Which is equivalent
>> mathematically, but a matcher should be aware of that equivalence. So not
>> completely a trivial task.
>> Even
>> --
>> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
>> http://www.spatialys.com
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> Regards,
> Andrea Aime
> ==
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