[gdal-dev] GDALProgressFunc in RasterIO not called

r.boeters roeland.boeters at sweco.nl
Wed Apr 11 02:05:25 PDT 2018

I'm so sorry, the code got lost....

The GDALProgressFunc is defined as this: 

int gdalProgressFunc(double dfComplete, const char *pszMessage, void
  NLogger::LogMessage(Fasc(), NLogger::Info, "gdalProgressFunc called");
  return 1;

Partial code where I'm reading the data (reading the data works fine, I get
the image; just the progress function is never called): 
UINT32 *buf = (UINT32 *)
GDALRasterIOExtraArg arg;

QString data = "test";
arg.pfnProgress = (GDALProgressFunc)gdalProgressFunc;
arg.pProgressData = &data;

if (m_gdalDataset->RasterIO(GDALRWFlag::GF_Read, pxLeft, pyTop, abs(pxRight
- pxLeft), abs(pyTop-pyBottom), buf, nSDestXD, nSDestYD,
GDALDataType::GDT_UInt32, rasterbands, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, &arg) != CE_None)

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