[gdal-dev] Writing geotiff with /vsigs in Python does not work

Christoph Paulik cpaulik at vandersat.com
Fri Jul 20 03:25:26 PDT 2018

Ok, thank you for the clarification.

Even Rouault writes:

> Christoph,
>> Do I have to do things in a different order or way for this to work?
> /vsigs/ implementation (and other cloud virtual file systems) only supports 
> sequential writing, but in the general case, writing a GeoTIFF file requires 
> random writing capabilities, particularly for compressed datasets.
> See the "streaming operations" paragraph of http://gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html
> So you have to create a on-disk file first and then copy it to the bucket.
> Even


Christoph Paulik
VanderSat // Satellite observed water data. Globally. Daily.
Wilhelminastraat 43a, 2011 VK, Haarlem (NL), The Netherlands
W: www.vandersat.com
M: +31 (0) 6 1827 1928
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