[gdal-dev] failing to open a PGeo database
Helmut Kudrnovsky
hellik at web.de
Tue Mar 20 08:28:20 PDT 2018
I'm here on Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 64 Bit with
bugs at nada:~/gisdata/bik_pgeo$ ogrinfo --version
GDAL 2.2.3, released 2017/11/20
bugs at nada:~/gisdata/bik_pgeo$ ogrinfo --formats | grep PGeo
PGeo -vector- (ro): ESRI Personal GeoDatabase
installed unixODBC and mdbtools
unixodbc 2.3.4-1
libodbc1 2.3.4-1
mdbtools 0.7.1-5
mdbtools-gmdb 0.7.1-5
odbc-mdbtools 0.7.1-5
according to the manual http://www.gdal.org/drv_pgeo.html:
[Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)]
Description = MDB Tools ODBC drivers
Driver = /usr/lib/libmdbodbc.so.0
Setup =
FileUsage = 1
CPTimeout =
CPReuse =
this should be added to odbcinst.ini
here on this system:
bugs at nada:~/gisdata/bik_pgeo$ locate libmdbodbc
according to the above, I've added following section to odbcinst.ini
[Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)]
Description = MDB Tools ODBC drivers
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmdbodbc.so
Setup =
FileUsage = 1
CPTimeout =
CPReuse =
then I try on the PGeo database:
bugs at nada:~/gisdata/bik_pgeo$ ogrinfo data.mdb
ERROR 1: PGeo: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
ERROR 1: Geomedia: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
GAliasTable is not a table in this database
Got no result for 'SELECT TableName FROM GAliasTable WHERE TableType =
'INGRFeatures'' command
ERROR 1: Walk: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
WalkLayers is not a table in this database
Got no result for 'SELECT LayerID, LayerName, minE, maxE, minN, maxN, Memo
FROM WalkLayers' command
ERROR 1: PGeo: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
ERROR 1: Geomedia: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
GAliasTable is not a table in this database
Got no result for 'SELECT TableName FROM GAliasTable WHERE TableType =
'INGRFeatures'' command
ERROR 1: Walk: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
WalkLayers is not a table in this database
Got no result for 'SELECT LayerID, LayerName, minE, maxE, minN, maxN, Memo
FROM WalkLayers' command
Unable to open datasource `data.mdb' with the following drivers.
bugs at nada:~/gisdata/bik_pgeo$ ogrinfo PGeo:data.mdb
ERROR 1: PGeo: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
ERROR 1: Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for data.mdb,
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver
ERROR 1: PGeo: MDB Tools driver not found!
Warning 1: Unable to install MDB driver for ODBC, MDB access may not
ERROR 1: Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for data.mdb,
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver
Unable to open datasource `PGeo
any idea?
there is another section in odbcinst.ini; not added by me:
Description=MDBTools Driver
best regards
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