[gdal-dev] Concurrent and efficient access to features in OGRLayer

Julien Michel julien.michel at cnes.fr
Wed Mar 21 00:44:39 PDT 2018

Dear all,

I am writing some code that processes features from a Layer, and I am 
facing two distinct problems :

1) Since the processing of features might be heavy, I would like to do 
some parallel processing, but I did not find any way to iterate on 
features in parallel, even for read-only / in-memory datasets. Do you 
have any idea on how I could achieve that ?

2) I am using spatial filtering to retrieve a subset of the features 
corresponding to a given area, and then iterate on the area to process. 
My code therefore uses spatial filters quite intensively, which might be 
very slow without spatial indexing and a large number of features. Is 
there a way to add spatial indexing for in memory dataset ? Is it 
meaningful ?

Thanks a lot for your help,




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