[gdal-dev] downsampling geotiff with a low-pass filter
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Nov 18 04:18:57 PST 2018
> Let' stick with the cubic b-spline for now, and do a sample evaluation
> at an integral position (so, at a sample loaction). Let the clean signal
> be ... 0 , 1 , 0 ... and we'll evaluate right where the '1' is.
> The b-spline reconstruction kernel (or, the set of weights at integral
> positions) is 1/6 2/3 1/6. If we convolve, we get
> 0 * 1/6 + 1 * 2/3 + 0*1/6 = 2/3
OK, indeed experimenting with "gdalwarp -r [method] in.tif out.tif" on in.tif
having squared pixels, so the evaluation is done exactly at sample locations,
I found that cubic and lanczos yield to identical result as the input, and
indeed if you look at the weights, they are 1 at x = 0, and zero at other
integral position. Wheras cubicspline indeed does not have thir interpolation
(note if you do it with gdal_translate -r without resizing, GDAL internals
will see that no resampling is needed, and completely by-pass all the
resampling code, so you'd get apparent perfect reconstruction...)
Found this paper http://bigwww.epfl.ch/publications/thevenaz0002.pdf
confirming what you say :
"""No B-spline of degree n > 1 benefits from the property of being
interpolating; [...] Unfortunately, some authors have failed to observe this
rule, which led them to claim that B-splines typically blur data. There-
fore, such claims are misleading, even though they can
be repeatedly found in the published literature"""
I'm not sure how widely cubicspline is used by GDAL users, but I suspect that
some people avoid it because of this blurring side-effect (or conversely,
maybe use it because they find it useful for their use case. who knows...)
> You can see that the interpolation criterion is *not* fulfilled, because
> we'd expect to see '1' as the result. Why is this? because we haven't
> prefiltered. I'll not go into prefiltering now, but a *prefiltered*
> signal at this position is
> -0.464285714 1.732142857 -0.464285714
Where does those magic values come from ?
Found this paper speaking about prefiltering for cubic b-spline interpolation:
> I'd like to help, but rather by explaining things. I'd not really like
> to get involved in coding, as I have a lot of work on my hands already.
Documentation contributions are also accepted ;-)
Relevant file:
Although we might want to centralize a bit detailed information about the
properties of the algorithm if we go to detail them.
> Jukka's hint to use kernel-filtered sources in a VRT file does do the
> trick and shows the way to go, but requires an intermediate file of the
> same size as the initial input.
No. If you use the VRT directly, it is just a small XML file describing the
processing you want to apply on source(s). You can use it directly as the
input of gdal_translate -r, and the VRT specific computations will be done on-
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