[gdal-dev] problem with loading libraries

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 07:06:04 PST 2018

Sorry, this is not strictly a GDAL question, but it is related.

I have built postgis with raster support, which required gdal. Now, when I


I get

ERROR:  could not load library 
libgeos_c.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

However, postgis-2.5.so finds libgeos:

ldd parts/postgresql/lib/postgis-2.5.so

does not show anything missing -- but it also does not show libgdal.

I have paths to gdal and other libs in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I don't want to 
make the libraries known to run-time linker with ldconfig since that 
would make them global(?) and this system should be strictly non-global 
in the system (there are several database servers etc running).

Any ideas what could be the issue?


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