[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr skipfailures and sqlite missing indexes

jratike80 jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Thu Nov 29 04:09:02 PST 2018

Hi Seth,

Even if the creation of spatial index with -skipfeatures is now fixed,
generally that is a thing that should not really be used with GeoPackage and
SQLite/Spatialite. That leads to single-row transactions and very poor
There are usually other ways to avoid the problems and still keep large
transactions. You already used "-nlt GEOMETRY" (I would have used "-nlt
PROMOTE_TO_MULTI"), invalid geometries can be skipped with SQL (-sql "select
* from my_layer where ST_IsValid(my_geometry)=1"), geometry collections can
be skipped with SQL and so on. Fixing the data before conversion is the
solution I prefer if I have time for that.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Seth G-2 wrote
> Excellent - thanks for the incredibly fast fix Even - wasn't expecting
> that!
> Seth

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