[gdal-dev] Deleting raster layers from geopackages

andreaerdna andreaerdna at libero.it
Wed Oct 3 20:42:48 PDT 2018

Even Rouault-2 wrote
> GDALGeoPackageDataset::DeleteVectorOrRasterLayer() should be extented to
> look 
> for '2d-gridded-coverage' in the test that detects if it is a raster or
> vector 
> layer.

Thank you very much for your help and for your patience in reviewing the PR!

I'd like to add a gpkg_delete_gridded_coverage_raster_layer() test very
similar to gpkg_delete_raster_layer(), using data/float32.tif instead of
data/byte.tif as input layer, but I wonder why using 2.3.1 or 2.4.0dev

    gdal_translate -of GPKG -co "RASTER_TABLE=foo" float32.tif float32.gpkg

doesn't create gpkg_metadata and gpkg_metadata_reference, while for byte.tif
they are created and populated (and added to gpkg_extensions); using 2.2.4
(OSGeo4W) they are created also for float32.tif.


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