[gdal-dev] How to run autotest

Fengting Chen fengting.chen at oracle.com
Thu Apr 18 09:38:43 PDT 2019

In my case, this didn't work.

1. When I ran the GDAL build, I always use "make clean" to clean the old 
build.  And I did run scripts/setdevenv.sh before running the test.

/>which gdalinfo//

/>gdalinfo --version//
//GDAL 2.5.0dev-94f370c-dirty, released 2019/04/01/

2. gdalinfo and gdaltranslate are working without error. Only pytest failed:

/E   ImportError: /scratch/gdal/gdal/gdal/.libs/libgdal.so.20: undefined 
symbol: _Z17CPLHaveRuntimeAVXv/

3. I checked libgdal.so.so, it is missing that symbol:

/>nm  /scratch/gdal/gdal/gdal/.libs/libgdal.so.20 |grep 
//                 U _Z17CPLHaveRuntimeAVXv/

It seems that my manual test of gdalinfo and gdal_translate didn't use 
that symbol. Anyone know which library that symbol came from?



On 4/18/2019 5:17 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
>> E   ImportError:
>> /home/parallels/OS-GIS/platforms/linux/x86_64/gdal/lib/python2.7/site-packa
>> ges/osgeo/_gdal.so: undefined symbol: CPLGetErrorCounter
> Try
> ldd /home/parallels/OS-GIS/platforms/linux/x86_64/gdal/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osgeo/_gdal.so
> and check which libgdal.so it links to. It is likely that it is not the right one.
> You'll have to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH then.
> Sourcing scripts/setdevenv.sh should do that for you
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