[gdal-dev] GDAL (.NET) coordinate transformation via BETA2007
Schmitz, Uwe
uwe.schmitz at bezreg-koeln.nrw.de
Thu Aug 29 01:30:01 PDT 2019
are you shure that the grid is used during transformation?
I know nothing about the C# package, but in my own tests
the “not-found” case was often the cause for wrong results.
So I tend to almost always use an absolute path to
the grid file.
Due to historical reasons gdal silently ignores this error.
Ah, and I see that I put an extra +wktext at the end of the
arguments. Don’t know if it’s still necessary.
Von: gdal-dev [mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von Carsten Lockenkötter
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. August 2019 14:24
An: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: [gdal-dev] GDAL (.NET) coordinate transformation via BETA2007
because SQLServer can't transform geometries, i have developed a .NET library (C#) that transforms the geometries based on GDAL (NuGet Package GDAL.Native v2.4.2).
In principle, this also works.
If i transform from 31466 to 3857, i have an offset of about 1.5m because gdal transformed via Helmert, not via Beta2007.
If i transform the same geometrie via proj4 string to use my Beta2007.gsb file, i get a completly wrong geometry.
sample code to transform via epsg
var inputGeom = "POINT (2529815.8 5642182.4)";
var source = new SpatialReference("");
var destination = new SpatialReference("");
CoordinateTransformation transform = new CoordinateTransformation(source, destination);
Geometry ogrGeom = Geometry.CreateFromWkt(inputGeom);
ogrGeom.ExportToWkt(out string outGeom);
return outGeom;
value of outGeom:
POINT (776704.423009968 6626706.00572367)
if i transform the same geometrie via FME with the CsmapReprojector, i get this (correct) coordinates:
FME used the gridfile Beta2007, GDAL not.
So i tried to transform my geometrie via proj4 string, where I have the possibility to specify the gridfile.
My gridfile Beta2007.gsb is located here: {ProjectRoot}\bin\Debug\gdal\share\Beta2007.gsb
var inputGeom = "POINT (2529815.8 5642182.4)";
var source = new SpatialReference("");
var destination = new SpatialReference("");
source.ImportFromProj4("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +nadgrids=@BETA2007.gsb<mailto:+nadgrids=@BETA2007.gsb>");
CoordinateTransformation transform = new CoordinateTransformation(source, destination);
Geometry ogrGeom = Geometry.CreateFromWkt(inputGeom);
ogrGeom.ExportToWkt(out string outGeom);
return outGeom;
value of outGeom:
POINT (776787.364952423 6626930.71048604)
What i need:
Beta2007 Transformation via EPSG code, but i don't know, where i have to change it.
(optional) if i can't change the transformation via EPSG code via Gridfile, i need to know the correct proj4 string for my transformation.
Best regards,
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