[gdal-dev] OGR C API PostGIS geometry with wrong field entries

Markus Metz markus.metz.giswork at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 10:03:09 PST 2019

In the GRASS module v.in.ogr we follow pretty much the vector API tutorial.
The only difference is that we first fetch the geometry of a feature, then
the fields. When input is a PG database, sometimes the wrong field entries
are associated with the geometries, as if geometries and field entries were
mixed up. This happens when several different v.in.ogr processes are trying
to read the same features from the same PG database at the same time. When
instead using several different ogr2ogr processes, this mixing up of
geometries and field entries does not happen. I could not find any hints in
the OGR PostGIS documentation about how to avoid this problem.

Any hints are highly appreciated!

Markus M
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