[gdal-dev] Making a uniform collection from images with and without palettes

Andrew C Aitchison andrew at aitchison.me.uk
Sun Jul 7 08:33:36 PDT 2019

I have a large collection (millions) of .png files (with .wld files) some
8bit/color RGB, others with 1,2,4 or 8bit colormaps, and some grayscale.
Since .vrt files cannot have different colormaps I'd like to convert them
into something uniform (probably 8bit/color RGB).

gdal_translate -expand is not valid with 8-bit/color files.
Is there any way of converting the files to something which can be used
in a .vrt, without knowing how many bands, and hence which arguments to 
apply, to each file ?


Andrew C. Aitchison        Kendal, UK        andrew at aitchison.me.uk

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