[gdal-dev] NetCDF and ESA Probav issue with corner coordimates
Richard Duivenvoorde
rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Nov 1 01:45:20 PDT 2019
Hi Ivan,
I think I reported an issue like this some time ago in the QGIS issue
I think(!), but I hope some netcdf guru jumps in, that the crux is how
you define/interpret your data: is the value valid in the center of the
grid (like a raster) or is it on the vertices (more like a mesh).
It is all about interpretation of a datamodel: is it a grid or a raster.
If I understand correctly in a mesh (and netcdf) is much more possible
then in a raster: triangular meshes, non-regular etc etc:
I'm not sure who should be responsible for 'correcting/transforming'
this: a netcdf which is written as if the values are on (for example)
the upper-left corner vertices, while you actually mean the value is in
the center of a (grid)cell... For a simple rectangular mesh, this seems
feasible on the client side (see panoply example in first link), but for
non-regular meshes/netcdf's this seems impossible client side (well
actually that is not a raster/grid anymore)..
In your case I would think that the data is actually mend to be a grid...
Not sure if this is helpfull, as said I hope some netcdf guru jumps in.
Maybe I'm oversimplifying here...
Richard Duivenvoorde
On 31/10/2019 22.06, Ivan Lucena wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I Downloaded NetCDF files
> from http://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/ndvi and I am having
> problems with the GeoTransform that the driver is getting.
> The image extents, as you can see in following gdalinfo report, goes
> beyond the -180 and +180 longitude degrees (half resolution, half pixel)
> but that's OK according to page 27 in the PDF documentation:
> PROBAV-Products_User_Manual_v1.3.pdf
> <https://earth.esa.int/documents/700255/1929094/PROBAV-Products_User_Manual_v1.3.pdf/fd5e30f4-5305-4d41-86aa-fab7b9568251>
> But if I open that image on QGIS and overlay a vector (GADM from
> gadm.org) or any other global layer it is clear that -180x80 should be
> in the upper left corner of the image, not In the center. There is a
> half pixel missing on the left and bottom of the image. This in in Fiji:
> The gdalinfo report shows that the crs:GeoTransform is -180.0000000000
> 0.0029761905 0.0 80.0000000000 0.0 -0.0029761905 but it seems like the
> driver decided to take that to as center of the pixel based. Looking at
> the NetCDF source I can see that there this possibility exists.
> Of course, I am not waiting for a solution. I just used gdal_translate
> "- a_ullr" and fix that into the target format. It takes centuries to
> converted that image to geotiff. But I am concerned that others might
> get in trouble because of that.
> I tried to contact the data provider but did not received an answer yet.
> Does anybody has experience with that dataset and/or NetCDF that can
> help figure out what is going on. It is a bug in the driver or an issue
> with the data.
> Thanks,
> -
> Ivan
> Here is the gdalinfo report:
> Don't worry about the warnings in regards to the pixel values. It is fine.
> $ gdalinfo netcdf:c_gls_NDVI300_201910110000_GLOBE_PROBAV_V1.0.1.nc
> --debug on
> GDAL_netCDF: driver detected file type=5, libnetcdf detected type=3
> Warning 1: NetCDF driver detected file type=5, but libnetcdf detected
> type=3
> GDAL_netCDF: setting file type to 3, was 5
> GDAL_netCDF: dim_count = 2
> GDAL_netCDF: var_count = 4
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute _FillValue
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute missing_value
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute flag_values
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute valid_range
> GDAL_netCDF:
> =====
> SetProjectionFromVar( 3)
> *GDAL_netCDF: got grid_mapping crs*
> GDAL_netCDF: bIsGdalFile=1 bIsGdalCfFile=0 bBottomUp=0
> GDAL_netCDF: got spheroid from CF: (6378137.000000 , 298.257224)
> GDAL_netCDF: set bBottomUp = 0 from Y axis
> GDAL_netCDF: setting WKT from CF
> GDAL_netCDF: SetProjection, WKT =
> GEOGCS["unknown",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]]]
> GDAL_netCDF: xdim: 120960 nSpacingBegin: 3 nSpacingMiddle: 3
> nSpacingLast: 3
> GDAL_netCDF: ydim: 47040 nSpacingBegin: -3 nSpacingMiddle: -3
> nSpacingLast: -3
> GDAL_netCDF: setting WKT from GDAL
> GDAL_netCDF: SetProjection, WKT = GEOGCS["WGS
> 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> *GDAL_netCDF:
> SetGeoTransform(-180.001488,0.002976,0.000000,80.001488,0.000000,-0.002976)
> *
> GDAL_netCDF: bGotGeogCS=1 bGotCfSRS=1 bGotCfGT=1 bGotGdalSRS=1 bGotGdalGT=0
> Warning 1: Unsupported netCDF datatype (7), treat as Float32.
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute _FillValue
> GDAL_netCDF: netcdf type=5 gdal type=6 signedByte=1
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute _FillValue
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute missing_value
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute flag_values
> GDAL_netCDF: NCDFGetAttr unsupported type 7 for attribute valid_range
> GDAL_netCDF: got add_offset=-0.07999999821186066, status=0
> GDAL_netCDF: got scale_factor=0.004000000189989805, status=0
> GDAL: GDALOpen(netcdf:c_gls_NDVI300_201910110000_GLOBE_PROBAV_V1.0.1.nc,
> this=00000219E2D291F0) succeeds as netCDF.
> Driver: netCDF/Network Common Data Format
> GDAL: GDALDefaultOverviews::OverviewScan()
> Files: none associated
> Size is 120960, 47040
> Coordinate System is:
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> *Origin = (-180.001488095238102,80.001488095238088)*
> Pixel Size = (0.002976190476204,-0.002976190476190)
> Metadata:
> * crs#GeoTransform=-180.0000000000 0.0029761905 0.0 80.0000000000 0.0
> -0.0029761905*
> crs#grid_mapping_name=latitude_longitude
> crs#inverse_flattening=298.257223563
> crs#longitude_of_prime_meridian=0
> crs#long_name=coordinate reference system
> crs#semi_major_axis=6378137
> crs#spatial_ref=GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS
> 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> crs#_CoordinateAxisTypes=GeoX GeoY
> crs#_CoordinateTransformType=Projection
> lat#axis=Y
> lat#long_name=latitude
> lat#standard_name=latitude
> lat#units=degrees_north
> lat#_CoordinateAxisType=Lat
> lon#axis=X
> lon#long_name=longitude
> lon#standard_name=longitude
> lon#units=degrees_east
> lon#_CoordinateAxisType=Lon
> NC_GLOBAL#archive_facility=VITO
> NC_GLOBAL#Conventions=CF-1.6
> NC_GLOBAL#copyright=Copernicus Service information 2019
> NC_GLOBAL#history=Processing line NDVI: 2019-10-22
> NC_GLOBAL#identifier=urn:cgls:global:ndvi300_v1_333m:NDVI300_201910110000_GLOBE_PROBAV_V1.0.1
> NC_GLOBAL#institution=VITO NV
> NC_GLOBAL#long_name=Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
> NC_GLOBAL#orbit_type=LEO
> NC_GLOBAL#parent_identifier=urn:cgls:global:ndvi300_v1_333m
> NC_GLOBAL#platform=Proba-V
> NC_GLOBAL#processing_level=L3
> NC_GLOBAL#processing_mode=Near Real Time
> NC_GLOBAL#product_version=V1.0.1
> NC_GLOBAL#references=http://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/ndvi
> NC_GLOBAL#source=Derived from EO satellite imagery
> NC_GLOBAL#time_coverage_end=2019-10-20T23:59:59Z
> NC_GLOBAL#time_coverage_start=2019-10-11T00:00:00Z
> NC_GLOBAL#title=10-daily Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 333M:
> GLOBE 2019-10-11T00:00:00Z
> NDVI#add_offset=-0.079999998
> NDVI#flag_meanings=Missing cloud snow sea background
> NDVI#flag_values={}
> NDVI#grid_mapping=crs
> NDVI#long_name=Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 333M
> NDVI#missing_value=
> NDVI#scale_factor=0.0040000002
> NDVI#standard_name=normalized_difference_vegetation_index
> NDVI#units=
> NDVI#valid_range={}
> NDVI#_FillValue=
> OGRCT: PROJ >= 4.8.0 features enabled
> OGRCT: Using locale-safe proj version
> OGRCT: Source: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
> OGRCT: Target: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
> Corner Coordinates:
> *Upper Left (-180.0014881, 80.0014881) (180d 0' 5.36"W, 80d 0' 5.36"N)*
> *Lower Left (-180.0014881, -59.9985119) (180d 0' 5.36"W, 59d59'54.64"S)*
> *Upper Right ( 179.9985119, 80.0014881) (179d59'54.64"E, 80d 0' 5.36"N)*
> *Lower Right ( 179.9985119, -59.9985119) (179d59'54.64"E, 59d59'54.64"S)*
> Center ( -0.0014881, 10.0014881) ( 0d 0' 5.36"W, 10d 0' 5.36"N)
> Band 1 Block=120960x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
> NoData Value=0
> Offset: -0.0799999982118607, Scale:0.00400000018998981
> Metadata:
> add_offset=-0.079999998
> flag_meanings=Missing cloud snow sea background
> flag_values={}
> grid_mapping=crs
> long_name=Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 333M
> missing_value=
> scale_factor=0.0040000002
> standard_name=normalized_difference_vegetation_index
> units=
> valid_range={}
> _FillValue=
> GDALClose(netcdf:c_gls_NDVI300_201910110000_GLOBE_PROBAV_V1.0.1.nc,
> this=00000219E2D291F0)
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