[gdal-dev] Adding Features to Existing PostIGIS Table with Python OGR/GDAL?
gerardg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 08:57:45 PST 2019
Is it possible to add features to an existing PostGIS table using Python
OGR/GDAL? I've tried these two approaches:
# Approach 1. Results in:
# ERROR 1: Layer tracks already exists, CreateLayer failed.
# Use the layer creation option OVERWRITE=YES to replace it.
ds = ogr.Open("PG:dbname='db' user='user'")
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
layer = ds.CreateLayer('tracks', srs, ogr.wkbMultiLineString,
# Approach 2. Results in:
# ERROR 1: Invalid index : -1
# ERROR 6: CreateFeature : unsupported operation on a read-only datasource.
ds = ogr.Open("PG:dbname='db' user='user'")
layer = ds.GetLayerByName('tracks')
# set fields, etc.
Think I could accomplish it via SQL statements and ds.ExecuteSQL(), and
I've found examples using psycopg2 (or SQLAlchemy) instead. Just wondering
if it's directly possible using Python OGR/GDAL.
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