[gdal-dev] Nomination of Sean Gillies for the GDAL PSC

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Thu Sep 19 08:58:59 PDT 2019

Declaring this motion passed with +1's from

Howard, Even, Norman, Andrey, Tamas, Daniel, Jukka, Frank, and Kurt

Welcome to the PSC Sean!


> On Sep 17, 2019, at 8:21 AM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
> All,
> I would like to nominate Sean Gillies to the GDAL PSC.
> Sean leads the development of two important Python geospatial projects based on GDAL/OGR – rasterio and Fiona. He has contributed many bug reports and design ideas to GDAL while developing those libraries, and he brings nearly twenty years of active open source geospatial software contribution experience with him. His API sensibilities will continue provide invaluable direction and perspective going forward as GDAL continues to (slowly) evolve. 
> I'll start with a +1.
> Howard

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