[gdal-dev] Failure to fetch covid-19 data from JHU ArcGIS instance
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Apr 7 03:29:57 PDT 2020
On mardi 7 avril 2020 11:19:56 CEST Francesco Bartoli wrote:
> Hello devs,
> while the command line is working properly:
> ogrinfo -ro -al
> "ESRIJSON:https://services1.arcgis.com/0MSEUqKaxRlEPj5g/arcgis/rest/service
> s/ncov_cases/FeatureServer/2/query?where=objectid+%3D+objectid&f=json&outFie
> lds=*"
> this python script below unexpectedly fails:
> from osgeo import ogr
> driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(‘ESRIJSON’)
> ds =
> driver.Open('https://services1.arcgis.com/0MSEUqKaxRlEPj5g/arcgis/rest/serv
> ices/ncov_cases/FeatureServer/2/query?where=objectid+%3D+objectid&f=json&out
> Fields=*')
> ERROR 1: Invalid Feature object. Missing ‘geometry’ member.
> ERROR 1: Invalid Feature object. Missing ‘geometry’ member.
> GDAL version is 3.0.4 and python 3.7.6
> Do you have any hints?
This was due to 2 features not having a geometry member as indicated in the error message.
This is illegal in GeoJSON, but apparently legal in ESRIJSon. I've just pushed a fix to avoid this
error message and return a feature without geometry.
With the current versions, you should still be able to process the dataset. Just those features
will be skipped.
Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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