[gdal-dev] Does OGR support GeoPackage enums in write mode (or at all?)
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Apr 15 02:36:17 PDT 2020
Hi Andrea,
> but could be more efficiently represented as enums, as they
>have a small set of values.
> GeoPackage has a native notion of enums, check the spec and search for
> "table 27" for an example:
> http://www.geopackage.org/spec/
My understanding of table 27 is that it is just to define constraints on the values of a column,
but not a way to establish a integer<-->string mapping as you'd like. Unless I'm missing
something. Of course you could create an auxiliary table with the mapping, but I'm not aware
of a standardized way of registering it.
> So I'm wondering, is there direct support for enum fields?
No, there's no such concept of enum fields in the OGR data model itself
The schema extension ( http://www.geopackage.org/spec/#extension_schema ) is
minimilastically implement in the OGR GPKG driver. It just supports setting the mime_type of
a column to "application/json" to map from/to the OGR type=string, subtype=json for
> Any way to map a string column to enum during a ogr2ogr call?
If there was really a way to encode what you want to do in the specification, I'imagine that
could potentially be a new driver specific option where you would provide the mapping.
Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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