[gdal-dev] Appending to a single feature class in a gdb via ogr2ogr
Maggie Wooten
mwoo391 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 09:02:57 PDT 2020
First, I apologize if I am using this mailing list improperly. This is my
first time here.
I am trying to iterate over some shapefiles (109 shapefiles to be exact)
and append them to a *single* feature class in an output geodatabase, but
the resulting output geodatabase is one with 100 feature classes that looks
like this:
INFO: Open of `output.gdb' using driver `FileGDB' successful.
1: output (Multi Polygon)
2: output_1 (Multi Polygon)
3: output_1_2 (Multi Polygon)
4: output_1_2_3 (Multi Polygon)
5: output_1_2_3_4 (Multi Polygon)
(Multi Polygon)
(Multi Polygon)
These are the commands I'm running in the iteration:
if i == 0: "ogr2ogr -nln output -a_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f
"FileGDB" output.gdb input1.shp"
else: "ogr2ogr -nln output -a_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -update
-append -f "FileGDB" output.gdb inputX.shp"
What am I doing wrong here? How can I get the desired result? I tried a
bunch of different things and flags and still could not get it all to
append to one feature class. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and
I'd be happy to provide whatever information may be necessary.
Thank you!
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