[gdal-dev] Can you create a GeoPDF from an XML Composition File using the command-line tools?

Robin Wilson robin at rtwilson.com
Mon Aug 17 11:54:12 PDT 2020


I have successfully created an XML Composition File as documented atĀ https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/pdf.html#creation-of-pdf-file-from-a-xml-composition-file-gdal-3-0, and created a GeoPDF from it using the gdal_create_pdf.py file (fromĀ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OSGeo/gdal/master/gdal/swig/python/samples/gdal_create_pdf.py).

However, for my particular application, it would be really useful to be able to create the PDF using the standard GDAL command-line tools (gdal_translate and so on), as we would rather not require Python on the system that we're deploying to.

Is there any way of creating a PDF from a composition XML file using just the standard command-line tools? The documentation states "The GDALCreate() API must be used with width = height = bands = 0 and datatype = GDT_Unknown and COMPOSITION_FILE must be the single creation option.", and I've tried playing with the options to various commands such as gdal_translate, but can't seem to get it to work. Is it possible?

Best regards,


Dr Robin Wilson

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