[gdal-dev] JPEG file with ESRI world file .jpgw but geotransform not established

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jan 28 03:33:43 PST 2020


> Sorry for the misunderstanding: I used to GRASS GIS' g.gui.gcp to
> generate GPCs from scratch, interactively.

Makes more sense :-)

I've just added in GDAL master support for extracting the GCPs from the ESRI 
GeodataXform object of .aux.xml files

$ gdalinfo txu-pclmaps-oclc-6540922-tunis-20.jpg
GCP Projection = 
PROJCRS["NW Africa Grid",
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2
GCP[  0]: Id=, Info=
          (381.276620627847,524.9132323456) -> (1881000,858000,0)
GCP[  1]: Id=, Info=
          (4748.87345734052,3173.95623746933) -> (1912000,840000,0)
GCP[  2]: Id=, Info=
          (4781.59200262719,475.147738026018) -> (1912000,859000,0)
GCP[  3]: Id=, Info=
          (353.683965895426,3227.29350218835) -> (1881000,839000,0)

And confirmed that

gdalwarp txu-pclmaps-oclc-6540922-tunis-20.jpg out.tif -overwrite

produces a geotransform consistent with the one of the .jgwx file.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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