[gdal-dev] undefined reference to `json_object_new_array linking with libgdal.a

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Jul 22 20:50:03 PDT 2020

On 7/22/20 8:38 PM, LuĂ­ s Moreira de Sousa wrote:
> I work with GDAL installed from the Ubuntu GIS repository.

There is no gdal for focal in the UbuntuGIS PPA.

> I could not verify, but I doubt it is compiled with the --with-hide-internal-symbols flag.

The gdal packages in the UbuntuGIS PPA like those in Ubuntu use the same
packaging as in Debian and that uses --with-hide-internal-symbols, see:




Kind Regards,


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