[gdal-dev] GDAL 3.1.0 is released

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu May 7 07:20:48 PDT 2020


On behalf of the GDAL/OGR development team and community, I am pleased to announce 
the release of GDAL/OGR 3.1.0.  GDAL/OGR is a C++ geospatial data access library for raster 
and vector file formats, databases and web services.  It includes bindings for several 
languages, and a variety of command line tools.


The 3.1.0 release is a new feature release with the following highlights:

 * Implement [RFC 75]
  support for multidimensional arrays in MEM, VRT, netCDF, HDF4, HDF5 and GRIB drivers. 
Read/write for MEM and netCDF. Read/only for others. Add gdalmdiminfo and 
gdalmdimtranslate utilities.
 * Implement [RFC 76]
  add capability of writing vector drivers in Python
 * New GDAL drivers:
   - [COG](https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/cog.html): write-only, for Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF
   - [EXR](https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/exr.html): read/write driver, relying on OpenEXR 
   - [ISG](https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/isg.html): read-only, for geoid models of the 
International Service for the Geoid
   - [RDB](https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/rdb.html): read-only, for RIEGL Database .mpx RDB 2 
files (#1538) (needs proprietary SDK)
 * New OGR drivers:
   - [FlatGeoBuf](https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/flatgeobuf.html): read-support and creation 
   - [MapML](https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/mapml.html): read/write driver for experimental 
web spec
 * Improved drivers:
  - OAPIF driver (renamed from WFS3): updated to OGC API - Features 1.0 core spec
  - GTiff: improve performance of internal overview creation
  - GTiff: GeoTIFF 1.1 support
  - Shapefile driver: add read/creation/update support for .shz and .shp.zip
  - netCDF vector: read/write support for CF-1.8 Encoded Geometries (#1287)
  - VICAR: multiple improvements and write support (#1855)
  - DDS: add read support
 * Other improvements:
   - gdalwarp: accept output drivers with only CreateCopy() capabilities
   - [gdal_viewshed](https://gdal.org/programs/gdal_viewshed.html):
     new utility for viewshed algorithm
 * Remove GFT driver now that the online service no longer exists (#2050)
 * New Sphinx-based documentation
 * Multiple security related fixes (ossfuzz)
 * Continued code linting (cppcheck, CoverityScan, etc.)

More complete information on the new features and fixes in the 3.1.0
release can be found at:


The release can be downloaded from:
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdal310.zip - source as a zip
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdal-3.1.0.tar.gz - source as .tar.gz
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdal-3.1.0.tar.xz - source as .tar.xz
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdal-grass-3.1.0.tar.gz - GDAL-GRASS 
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdalautotest-3.1.0.tar.gz - test 
  * https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/3.1.0/gdal310doc.zip - documentation / 

The migration guide can be found at  :

Best regards,


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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