[gdal-dev] gdal2tiles with GeoTIFF which crosses antimeridian?

James Russo jr at halo3.net
Tue Nov 24 03:20:59 PST 2020

Good Evening,

GIS novice here. I have a GEOTiff that I'm trying to create tiles from
which crosses the 180. It's a FAA sectional chart from the US used for
aviation. If I slice off anything west of the 180, I can generate the tiles
and they look good. If I don't the area of the tiles is super large and the
resulting tile set is very pixelated.

The source file is located here in zip form (

I've tried some of the solutions that specify to use the CONFIG_LONG
option, but that doesn't seem to be impacting anything. The only solution I
have come up with is to cut off the area which crosses the 180 which yields
good results.

I've included below the commands I've been using.  I'm looking for any
suggestions/guidance. I realize this is somewhat of a common problem. Even
MapTiler had the problem, but they have sent an updated version which
supposedly fixes it, but I can't afford that solution at this point so I'd
like to stick to GDAL if possible.



--- snip --

gdal_translate \
    -expand rgb \
    -strict \
    -co TILED=YES \
    -co COMPRESS=LZW \
    -co BIGTIFF=YES \
    alaska.tif alaska_expanded_rgb.vrt

gdalwarp \
       -overwrite                  \
       -cutline "Alaska_Wall_Planning_Chart.shp"       \
       -crop_to_cutline            \
       -cblend 10                  \
       -r lanczos                  \
       -dstalpha                   \
       -co ALPHA=YES               \
       -co TILED=YES               \
       -multi                      \
       -wo NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS    \
       -wm 1024                    \
       --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 1024 \
       "alaska_expanded_rgb.vrt"   \

gdalwarp \
        -t_srs EPSG:3857            \
        -te -19497422 6016546 -13438444 11497579 \
        -r lanczos                  \
        -overwrite                  \
        -multi                      \
        -wo NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS    \
        -wm 1024                    \
        --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 1024 \
        -co TILED=YES               \
        "alaska_clipped.vrt" \

gdal2tiles.py -z 0-8 --processes=16 -r lanczos -w leaflet alaska_warped.vrt
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