[gdal-dev] WEBP in GEOTIFF

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Oct 9 06:06:37 PDT 2020


I am using a self-compiled GDAL 3.1.2 version and try to create a GTIFF
file with COMPRESS=WEBP 

libwebp-devel and other webp automatic dependencies are installed on
this ubuntu 18.04 machine. I could also compile against libwebp 

However, when running gdal_translate like 

gdal_translate -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -b mask -of GTIFF -co COMPRESS=WEBP -co
-co NUM_THREADS=4 -a_srs EPSG:2056 -projwin 2599700 1226200 2602200
1224650 ch.swisstopo.orthofoto_2018.rgb.vrt test_webp_ycbcr.tif

I get the following error output: 

Input file size is 530000, 480000 
Warning 6: 'WEBP' is an unexpected value for COMPRESS creation option of
type string-select. 
ERROR 1: Cannot create TIFF file due to missing codec for WEBP.

Any idea what might be missing in my installation - where do I get this
missing codec for WEBP? 


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