[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr -preserve_fid does not work when dst_datasource is SQLite/SpatiaLite
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Sun Oct 25 14:30:39 PDT 2020
Could you give some test data? As far as I know shapefiles do not have any
pk_column that user could select.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Paul Li wrote
> Using this option to convert shapefiles to shapefiles (with less columns)
> works perfectly fine. However, when dst_datasource is SQLite/SpatiaLite,
> this option is not working as expected, and ogc_fid is populated
> regardless.
> When importing the same shapefiles directly into SpatiaLite
> using ImportSHP(..., pk_column, ...), the pk_column from source is kept,
> no
> additional fid column is created.
> How do you explain the difference here?
> Many thanks.
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