[gdal-dev] Proposed GDAL 3.3 release schedule

Idan Miara idan at miara.com
Wed Apr 7 03:34:09 PDT 2021

Hi Even and all,

I think that the schedule makes sense.

What is the policy for accepting feature PRs (not bug fixes) ?
I mean do all new features from when beta/RC is published will be merged
only to the next minor version, i.e. 3.4 ?

Because we cannot release gdal-utils <https://pypi.org/project/gdal-utils/>
version 3.3.0 for that version number had been used (and deleted to avoid
further confusion), I suggest we declare that:
gdal 3.3.0 + gdal_utils 3.3.0.x are beta (x>6);
gdal 3.3.1 + gdal_utils 3.3.1 will be the final release,
Does it make sense or is it too confusing ?


On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 at 12:24, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> Hi,
> We haven't yet talked about it. Given the changes on the Python bindings
> side with moving of script files around (see
> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/3635), I think we should go for a
> beta to give a chance to packagers to check that everything is OK before
> we proceed further. Hopefully the changes to packaging scripts should
> consist just in changing a few file paths .
> Proposed schedule:
> - April 19: beta1
> - April 26: RC1
> - May 3: final release
> Comments?
> Even
> --
> http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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