[gdal-dev] WCS server error. Coverage not found

Elena Ruiz eruiz at aplitop.com
Tue Apr 20 07:50:47 PDT 2021

Hello I am testing the WCS service but I have a error that I don’t understand.

If I put in a web server this:

http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGE= Modelo%20Digital%20de%20Elevaciones%20(MDE)%20de%20Andalucia%2010%20m&CRS=EPSG:25830&FORMAT=GTiff&BBOX=531006.299122,4100120.659408,544263.630224,4112381.66471&WIDTH=1325&HEIGHT=1226&OUTPUTCRS=C:\Users\elena\AppData\Local\Temp\imagen.tif

this works ok and download a TIFF image.

But if I try to do this in gdal:

>gdal_translate -oo CACHE=wcs_cache -oo CLEAR_CACHE -oo INTERLEAVE=PIXEL -projwin 531006.299122 4100120.659408 544263.630224 4112381.66471 -outsize 1325 1226 "WCS:http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?VERSION=1.0.0&COVERAGE=Modelo%20Digital%20de%20Elevaciones%20(MDE)%20de%20Andalucia%2010%20m" "C:\Users\elena\AppData\Local\Temp\imagen.tif"

The result is:

ERROR 1: msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error. COVERAGE=Modelo%20Digital%20de%20Elevaciones%20(MDE)%20de%20Andalucia%2010%20m not found, not in supported layer list. A layer might be disabled for this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.

I have tried with other version of service WCS, version 1.1.2 and 2.0.1, the difference is the name of layer, in this cases is “mdt_10”, but the result in gdal is the same.

>gdalinfo "WCS:https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?version=2.0.1"

Driver: WCS/OGC Web Coverage Service
Files: C:\Users\elena\.gdal\wcs_cache\Zatax.aux.xml
Size is 512, 512
Origin = (0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000)
Pixel Size = (1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000)
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceIdentification.Abstract=Nodo de la Red de Informacion Ambiental de Andalucia. Junta de Andalucia. Servicio WCS del Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE) de Andalucia de 10 m de resolucion generado a partir de los vuelos realizados en 2010 (cuadrantes Sureste (SE) Suroeste (SW)) y 2011 (cuadrantes Noreste (NE) y Noroeste (NW)). Tambien se muestra el Modelo Digital de Elevaciones de Andalucia de 100 m generado a partir de MDE por cuadrantes (resolucion 10x10 y 5x5m) remuestreados procedentes de los proyectos de produccion de Ortofotos regionales de Andalucia y del PNOA. Integrado en la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Andalucia, siguiendo las directrices del Sistema Cartografico de Andalucia.
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceIdentification.AccessConstraints=Este servicio se puede usar de modo libre y gratuito siempre que se mencione a los autores y propietarios de la informacion
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceIdentification.Title=REDIAM. WCS Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE) de Andalucia
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceProvider.ProviderName=Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Andalucía
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceProvider.ServiceContact.ContactInfo.Address.DeliveryPoint=Avda. Manuel Siurot,50
  WCS_GLOBAL#ServiceProvider.ServiceContact.PositionName=Servicio de Informacion y Analisis Ambiental
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (   0.0000000,   0.0000000)
Lower Left  (       0.000,     512.000)
Upper Right (     512.000,       0.000)
Lower Right (     512.000,     512.000)
Center      (     256.000,     256.000)

>gdalinfo "WCS:https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?version=2.0.1&coverage=mdt_10"

ERROR 1: HTTP error code : 404
ERROR 1: NoSuchCoverage: msWCSGetCoverage20(): WCS server error. COVERAGEID=mdt_10 not found, not in supported layer list. A layer might be disabled for this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.
gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'WCS:https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?version=2.0.1&coverage=mdt_10'.

Can anyone help me? Thank you very much and regards


Elena Ruiz
Sofware Development & Technical Support
Tel. +34 952 43 97 71
eruiz at aplitop.com
Sumatra, 9 - 29190 Malaga (Spain)

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