[gdal-dev] Lossless JPEG2000 compression with NITF Format and OpenJPEG

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Aug 30 08:21:05 PDT 2021


yes, in the 3.3 branch and earlier, there was no tunable to ask for 
lossless JPEG2000 compression

If you use GDAL master, you can now use the 


Le 30/08/2021 à 17:16, Chastain, Raymond Lee (MU-Student) a écrit :
> We're trying to create NITFs with lossless compression using the 
> OpenJPEG driver for JPEG2000 compression.
> We've set the "QUALITY=100" creation option but are still noticing 
> that repeated conversions generate different perceptual image hashes.
> The OpenJPEG driver mentions "REVERSIBLE=YES" but that doesn't seem to 
> be a valid creation option for the NITF driver.
> Sample gdal_translate command:
> "gdal_translate -of NITF -co IC=C8 -co BLOCKXSIZE=256 -co 
> BLOCKYSIZE=256 -co SDE_TRE=YES -co QUALITY=100 sample.tif reversible.nitf"
> Am I going about this the right way?
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