[gdal-dev] Should we make also GTiff to use TILED=YES as default?

Robert Coup robert.coup at koordinates.com
Wed Dec 1 03:21:35 PST 2021

Hi Javier,

Btw, how spread is the support for tiled TIFFs among other viewers?

Anecdata, but at Koordinates we've been producing tiled GeoTIFFs for
imagery datasets since mid-2014 (and to all our clients' users) — hundreds
of thousands of GeoTIFF exports with millions of tiles to a very diverse
user group. From a quick search in our support systems, it doesn't appear
we've ever received a question from someone having trouble with a tiled
GeoTIFF as far back as we have data for. I certainly don't recall any.

Rob :)
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