[gdal-dev] export to geometrycollection.

Ahmet Temiz ahmettemiz88 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 11:45:18 PDT 2021

I exported the geometry to geojson as:

OGRMultiPolygon * poOGRMultiPolygon= (OGRMultiPolygon * ) unionCascaded;
 char * pszJSon= poOGRMultiPolygon->exportToJson();

this generates:
 "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": ....

But.  I need geometrycollection.
How can I do that?


Ahmet Temiz
Jeoloji Müh.
Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı
Deprem  Dairesi Başkanlığı


Ahmet Temiz
Geological Eng.

Disaster and Emergency Management
of Presidency
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