[gdal-dev] Raster Attribute Table access by name and null values

Pen Swits penswits at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 13:59:30 PDT 2021

If I already know the column name, is there a better way to access the value
than what I'm currently doing?

For example, currently in order to get the date value of the last row, I am
looping through all columns and confirming that the column name is what I
expect, then using that index to access the value.

for column in range(rtable.GetColumnCount()):
    if rtable.GetNameOfCol(column) == "Date":
        last_row_date = rtable.GetValueAsString(rtable.GetRowCount()-1,

And is there any way in which I can set an empty/null value that can be
applicable for all field types?

Thank you,
Pen Swits

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