[gdal-dev] Unexpected behavior on gdal2tiles.py

Eren Tarïmcï erentar2002 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 21:14:16 PST 2021

If i use raster, the resulting tiles are not georeferenced, i.e the
{x},{y},{z} coordinates are not correct. I require them to be
georeferenced. Do you know of another tool that would let me render
georeferenced tiles for mars?

On 02/03/2021 23.17, jratike80 wrote:
> Hi,
> By looking at the messages the installation on Machine B has an error: "It
> [means proj.db] comes from another PROJ installation." Because of that error
> gdal2tiles "works". If you fix the installation on Machine B it will fail
> for the same reason than Machine A: "Cannot find coordinate operations from
> [something in Mars] to EPSG:4326 [that is in Tellus].
> I believe that you must fool gdal2tiles somehow and make it to believe that
> the source data are also from our planet. Unfortunately I don't know how.
> But does it even make sense to project data from Mars into EPSG:4326?
> Perhaps "-p raster" would create something usable.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> erentar2002 wrote
>> Machine A:
>> user at machineA:~/mars$ gdal2tiles.py -z 6-8 -p geodetic -v debris.jp2
>> Options: {'profile': 'geodetic', 'resampling': 'average', 's_srs': None,
>> 'zoom': '6-8', 'resume': False, 'srcnodata': None, 'tmscompatible': None,
>> 'xyz': None, 'verbose': True, 'exclude_transparent': None, 'quiet': None,
>> 'nb_processes': None, 'tilesize': 256, 'kml': False, 'url': '',
>> 'webviewer': 'all', 'title': 'debris.jp2', 'copyright': '', 'googlekey':
>> 'mapml_template': None, 'processes': 1}
>> Input: debris.jp2
>> Output: debris
>> Cache: 1604.5949211120605 MB
>> Begin tiles details calc
>> Input file: ( 29232P x 20669L - 4 bands)
>> NODATA: []
>> Preprocessed file: ( 29232P x 20669L - 4 bands)
>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_operations: Source and target ellipsoid do not
>> belong to the same celestial body
>> ERROR 6: Cannot find coordinate operations from
>> `GEOGCRS["GCS_Mars_2000",DATUM["D_Mars_2000",ELLIPSOID["Mars_2000_IAU_IAG",3396190,169.894447223612,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG",9001]]]],PRIMEM["Reference_Meridian",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG",9122]]],CS[ellipsoidal,2],AXIS["latitude",north,ORDER[1],ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG",9122]]],AXIS["longitude",east,ORDER[2],ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG",9122]]]]'
>> to `EPSG:4326'
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py", line 3242, in sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
>> File "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py", line 3234, in
>> main single_threaded_tiling(input_file, output_folder, options) File
>> "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py", line 3154, in single_threaded_tiling conf,
>> tile_details = worker_tile_details(input_file, output_folder, options)
>> File "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py", line 3070, in worker_tile_details
>> gdal2tiles.open_input() File "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py", line 1742, in
>> open_input self.warped_input_dataset =
>> update_alpha_value_for_non_alpha_inputs( File "/usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py",
>> line 1061, in update_alpha_value_for_non_alpha_inputs if
>> warped_vrt_dataset.RasterCount in [1, 3]: AttributeError: 'NoneType'
>> object has no attribute 'RasterCount'
>> Machine B:
>> user at machineB:~/mars$ gdal2tiles.py -z 6-8 -p geodetic -v debris.jp2
>> Options: {'profile': 'geodetic', 'resampling': 'average', 's_srs': None,
>> 'zoom': '6-8', 'resume': False, 'srcnodata': None, 'tmscompatible': None,
>> 'xyz': None, 'verbose': True, 'exclude_transparent': None, 'quiet': None,
>> 'nb_processes': None, 'tilesize': 256, 'kml': False, 'url': '',
>> 'webviewer': 'all', 'title': 'debris.jp2', 'copyright': '', 'googlekey':
>> 'INSERT_YOUR_KEY_HERE', 'bingkey': 'INSERT_YOUR_KEY_HERE', 'processes': 1}
>> Input: debris.jp2
>> Output: debris
>> Cache: 384.14570236206055 MB
>> Begin tiles details calc
>> Input file: ( 29232P x 20669L - 4 bands)
>> NODATA: []
>> Preprocessed file: ( 29232P x 20669L - 4 bands)
>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database:
>> /home/user/OTB-7.2.0-Linux64/share/proj/proj.db lacks
>> comes from another PROJ installation.
>> Projected file: tiles.vrt ( 29232P x 20669L - 4 bands)
>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database:
>> /home/user/OTB-7.2.0-Linux64/share/proj/proj.db lacks
>> comes from another PROJ installation.
>> KML autotest OK!
>> Bounds (output srs): 77.42551250577 18.429672337269487 77.47613730177316
>> 18.465467490135833
>> Bounds (latlong): 77.42551250577002 18.429672337269487 77.47613730177316
>> 18.465467490135833
>> Generating Base Tiles:
>> Tiles generated from the max zoom level:
>> ----------------------------------------
>> dataBandsCount:  3
>> tilebands:  4
>> 1 / 1 debris/8/183/77.png
>> 	Native Extent (querysize 76443 ):  (0, 0, 29232, 20669) (47211, 705631,
>> 29232, 20669)
>> Tiles details calc complete.
>> 	ReadRaster Extent:  (0, 0, 29232, 20669) (59, 889, 36, 26)
>> Generating Overview Tiles:
>> 01 / 2 debris/7/91/38.png
>> 	build from zoom 8  tiles: (182, 76) (183, 76) (182, 77) (183, 77)
>> 2 / 2 debris/6/45/19.png
>> 	build from zoom 7  tiles: (90, 38) (91, 38) (90, 39) (91, 39)
>> Why does this succeed in machine B and fail in machine A with identical
>> inputs?
>> both machines run fresh copies of gdal-bin 3.2.1+dfsg-1+b1 amd64 from
>> debian sid.
>> machine B is my desktop and machine A is a headless server.
>> will provide more information as asked.
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