[gdal-dev] Vector Tile size change in Ogr2Ogr
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Mar 12 01:00:14 PST 2021
Bounds and other metadata are explained in
"The metadata table SHOULD contain these four rows:
bounds (string of comma-separated numbers): The maximum extent of the
rendered map area. Bounds must define an area covered by all zoom levels.
The bounds are represented as WGS 84 latitude and longitude values, in the
OpenLayers Bounds format (left, bottom, right, top). For example, the bounds
of the full Earth, minus the poles, would be: -180.0,-85,180,85.
center (string of comma-separated numbers): The longitude, latitude, and
zoom level of the default view of the map. Example: -122.1906,37.7599,11
minzoom (number): The lowest zoom level for which the tileset provides
maxzoom (number): The highest zoom level for which the tileset provides
Metadata helps the vector tile client to zoom to correct area, at reasonable
scale. There is no connection with EXTENT. Extent defines the precision of
the local coordinate system that is used within a vector tile. The same
z/x/y tile is always located in the same place on Earth and that location is
defined by the tiling schema. Geometries within a tile are encoded by using
integer numbers starting from (0 0) that is at top left corner. EXTENT
defines the lower right corner in local coordinates and by default it is
(4096 4096).
All this is well described in the vector tile specification
-Jukka Rahkonen-
> Thank you Even.
> Can you please explain the BOUNDS usage? How it is related to EXTENT?
> Regards,
> Rajesh
> --
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