[gdal-dev] Motion: RFC 78: gdal-utils package

Andrew C Aitchison andrew at aitchison.me.uk
Thu Mar 25 09:39:15 PDT 2021

So if I currently have gdal, which includes the utils and I run
    pip --upgrade
I will get the new gdal without the utils but not gdal-utils,
so the upgrade will remove the utils functionality ?

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Idan Miara wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> pip install gdal-utils
> Will install also gdal as it is its dependency.
> In case we will take the utils out of the gdal sdist - Even tough your
> suggestion to add gdal-utils as a dependency to gdal would make `pip
> install gdal` to also install both, it makes less sense to me as gdal does
> not actually depend on gdal-utils and it might complicate things in other
> ways. In that case, IMHO telling people who want to install the utils to
> pip install gdal-utils makes more sense...
> Idan
> On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 16:50 Alan Snow, <alansnow21 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Removing the utils from the gdal sdist/wheel means that people who
>> install gdal won't have the utils unless they installed the utils wheel.
>> You mentioned that gdal_utils is now on pypi. Are you able to set it as a
>> dependency in the setup.py so it is installed when the main osgeo/gdal
>> python package is installed?
>> Best,
>> Alan
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Andrew C. Aitchison					Kendal, UK
 			andrew at aitchison.me.uk

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