[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR coordinate transformations candidate operations priority

Pedro Venâncio pedrongvenancio at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 03:26:08 PDT 2021

Hi Even,

I'm testing this fix on PROJ 8.2.0, but I'm getting the same output than
before the fix:

C:\OSGeo4W>gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:20790 -t_srs EPSG:3763
Enter X Y [Z [T]] values separated by space, and press Return.
286415 431434
86412.5265012686 131433.856093867 0

C:\OSGeo4W>gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.3, released 2021/10/25

Rel. 8.2.0, November 1st, 2021
usage: proj [-bdeEfiIlmorsStTvVwW [args]] [+opt[=arg] ...] [file ...]

Can you confirm?

Thanks! Best regards,

Pedro Venâncio <pedrongvenancio at gmail.com> escreveu no dia quarta,
6/10/2021 à(s) 00:38:

> So, the default will be the use of the operation with better accuracy,
>> right?
>> yes, due to the issue with the prime meridian, PROJ was confused and
>> didn't find any valid operation with the appropriate area of use, and thus
>> it fell back to an operation not using a grid
> Perfect, thank you very much Even!
> Pedro
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