[gdal-dev] CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX gdalinfo still looks for .dylib in /usr/lib

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Sun Jul 3 22:32:08 PDT 2022

On Monday, 4 July 2022 3:19:55 PM AEST Nik Sands wrote:
> Is it expected that these GDAL utilities (such as gdalinfo) would look for
> GDAL in /usr/lib instead of the location in which it was actually built?


I think your conceptual problem is expecting that the GDAL utilities are doing 
the looking. That isn't how it works. Instead, the system loader does the 
search based on what the utility says it needs.

That is, a dynamically linked gdalinfo says the "what", not the "where". 

If you put your libraries somewhere non-standard, you need to tell the system 
where to get them from. Usually LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or 
something like that will help.

This isn't anything specific to GDAL.


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