[gdal-dev] Call for discussion on RFC 86: Column-oriented read API for vector layers

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jun 1 01:49:43 PDT 2022


I've posted in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/5830 a new RFC to add 
a column-oriented read API for vector layers.

This RFC describes the addition of new methods to the OGRLayer class to 
retrieve batches of features
with a column-oriented memory layout, that suits formats that have that 
organization or downstream
consumers that expect data to be presented in such a way, in particular 
the Apache Arrow, Pandas / GeoPandas
ecosystem, R spatial packages, and many modern (data analytics focused) 
databases / engines which
are column oriented (eg Snowflake, Google BigQuery, ..)


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