[gdal-dev] Iterating through an OGR polygon as a set of triangles via the C API

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 10 08:29:27 PDT 2022

Le 10/06/2022 à 17:08, Meyer, Jesse R. (GSFC-618.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND 
APPLICATIONS INC] via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hi,
> My goal is to build an indexed list of triangles from OGR polygons as 
> inputs to a hardware rasterizer for efficient rendering.  I see RFC 64 
> was implemented a few years ago but the documentation warns "not yet 
> implemented".

-->where exactly do you see this mentioned?

Anyway, tesselation as triangles wasn't in the scope of the RFC

But you might want to use OGR_G_DelaunayTriangulation()

> These is reinforced by my failed attempt to use OGR_G_ForceTo on a 
> polygon geometry to the TIN type.  OGR's object hierarchy can be easy 
> to misunderstand so maybe I'm just missing something here.
> Is this functionality available? If not, are viewers like QGIS 
> manually building an index list themselves (or perhaps they use old 
> fixed function APIs)?
> Thanks,
> Jesse
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