[gdal-dev] MBTiles blurry
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Jun 30 04:28:28 PDT 2022
You can perhaps try -r lanczos . It is good at preserving sharp details
(but can also create artifacts on other situations. there's nothing as a
universally good resampling method)
Ah, and one point I forgot is that when going to MBTiles, an implicit
reprojection to Web Mercator is also done by the MBTiles driver, which
involves another resampling
Try also adding -co RESAMPLING=LANCZOS in the gdal_translate stage.
If you don't need MBTiles format and WebMercator projection, I'd say
just stick with GeoTIFF, and possibly use the COG driver:
Le 30/06/2022 à 13:18, Kanishk Varshney a écrit :
> Hey Even,
> Thanks for the quick response.
> If you notice the MBTiles, the finer details(cracks on Road, etc) and
> edges are all blurred. I tried the -r average flag as well but the
> result was almost similar
> I am more interested in preserving those details while reducing the
> size of the data. So any other approach or format that might suit my
> use case will be appreciated as well!
> Thanks,
> Kanishk
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 3:37 PM Even Rouault
> <even.rouault at spatialys.com> wrote:
> Kanishk,
>> And my GDAL commands are:
>> gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstalpha infile.tif outfile.tif
>> gdal_translate -tr 0.035 0.035 -co 'QUALITY=100' -of MBTILES
>> outfile.tifoutmbtile.mbtiles
>> gdaladdo -r nearest outmbtile.mbtiles2 4 8 16
> The above gives a OK result for me with topveiw_sample.tif as
> input. Note that you don't need the first gdalwarp step as your
> file has already an alpha band.
> To improve quality you should add for example -r average to
> gdal_translate otherwise nearest neighbour reampling will be used,
> which is generally a bad idea.
> Same for gdaladdo: you should'nt use nearest neighbour reampling
> for good quality
>> If I am trying to improve the target resolution even further(reducing -tr value) , it corrupts the output mbtile and a blank or blurred tile gets generated
>> Also, the opening option ZOOM_LEVEL seems to error out(Using with -oo "ZOOM_LEVEL=9)
> If you look at the output of gdalinfo on the generated mbtiles
> file, you'll see that the full resolution is at zoom level 22, and
> given the dimensions of the file only 2 overview levels were
> generated. So the minimum zoom level at which you can open that
> file is 20.
> Even
> --
> http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
My software is free, but my time generally not.
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