[gdal-dev] Creating a vector mbtile with several layers

DELEPINE Christophe christophe.delepine at thalesgroup.com
Thu Jun 30 08:17:18 PDT 2022


I am trying to create a vector mbtile containing several layers (using C++ GDAL API) but it does not work. My output mbtile only contains one layer (ogrinfo only lists one layer)
What I do is the following :

GDALDriver* driver = (GDALDriver*)GDALGetDriverByName("MBTiles");
GDALDataset* poDS = driver->Create(mbtiles.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, datasetCreationOptions);
for (auto& layer : layers)
       OGRLayer* oLayer = poDS->CreateLayer(layer.name_.c_str(), &srs3857_, wkbUnknown);
OGRFeature *oFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(oLayer->GetLayerDefn());

Any idea what is wrong ?
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