[gdal-dev] Bug/feature: OGR VSICURL does not handle gzip compression

Stefan Gofferje lists at home.gofferje.net
Thu Nov 10 11:26:52 PST 2022


I'm trying to import traffic situation data in GeoJSON format from the Finnish 
Road Administration at


Unfortunately, the server is configured so that it only accepts requests with 
"Accept-encoding: gzip" set - which vsicurl can't/won't handle. It would 
probably generally be useful if vsicurl would offer gzip encoding because most 
servers can handle it and it does save quite a bit of traffic on text-based 
data like GeoJSON.

BR: Stefan

 (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT, MCP, CCSA
 //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
 V_/_  https://www.gofferje.net   | https://www.saakeskus.fi 

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