[gdal-dev] How to utilize the new GEOS functions of Spatialite 5.1.0?

Rahkonen Jukka jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Aug 7 15:55:18 PDT 2023


The new Spatialite version has a bunch of new GEOS based functions

   * GEOSMinimumRotatedRectangle aka ST_OrientedEnvelope
   * GEOSMaximumInscribedCircle
   * GEOSMinimumBoundingCircle
   * GEOSMinimumBoundingRadius
   * GEOSMinimumBoundingCenter
   * GEOSLargestEmptyCircle
   * GEOSMinimumWidth
   * GEOSMinimumClearance
   * GEOSMinimumClearanceLine
   * GeosDensify
   * GeosMakeValid
   * ReducePrecision
   * HilbertCode
   * GeosConcaveHull

I installed gdal-dev version with OSGeo4W and I can see that it is having Spatialite 5.1.0 and GEOS 3.12.0-CAPI-1.18.0. I suppose that the new functions should now work with commands like this, but I get an error instead:

ogrinfo polygon.gpkg -sql "select GEOSMaximumInscribedCircle(geom,1000) from polygon" -dialect SQLite
INFO: Open of `polygon.gpkg'
      using driver `GPKG' successful.
ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(select GEOSMaximumInscribedCircle(geom,1000) from polygon):
  no such function: GEOSMaximumInscribedCircle

I confirmed with the spatialite 5.1.0 Windows binary that this query works:

SELECT ST_AsText(GEOSMaximumInscribedCircle(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((40 180, 110 160, 180 180, 180 120, 140 90, 160 40, 80 10, 70 40, 20 50, 40 180),(60 140, 50 90, 90 140, 60 140))'),10000));
LINESTRING(100 95, 71.95122 117.439024)

However, some functions like GEOSMinimumClearance seem to work.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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