[gdal-dev] Parquet and nest structures (JSON)
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Aug 23 14:29:32 PDT 2023
Fixed per https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/8262
The names field seems to be always empty, but sources is now set with
JSON content:
Layer name: 20230725_211237_00132_5p54t_6194f239-f53a-4f7a-a18d-844d65743ec5
id (String) = 852c606ffffffff1100000000000002
updatetime (String) = 2023-05-30T04:27:53.570Z
version (Integer) = 0
names (String(JSON)) = (null)
adminlevel (Integer) = 2
maritime (String) = (null)
subtype (String) = (null)
localitytype (String) = (null)
context (String) = (null)
isocountrycodealpha2 (String) = (null)
isosubcountrycode (String) = (null)
defaultlanugage (String) = (null)
drivingside (String) = (null)
sources (String(JSON)) = [{"dataset":"TomTom","property":""}]
bbox.minx (Real) = 48.784677
bbox.maxx (Real) = 48.8269923
bbox.miny (Real) = 46.4802247
bbox.maxy (Real) = 46.5414734
LINESTRING (48.8269923 46.4802247,48.8266071 46.4804039,48.8254372
46.4812505,48.8252164 46.4814104,48.8234061 46.4826587,48.8216566
46.4841915,48.8215642 46.4842765,48.8194513 46.4862188,48.8182389
46.4877405,48.8181088 46.4879985,48.8174482 46.4893091,48.8167845
46.4914288,48.8159372 46.4933119,48.8153964 46.4943868,48.8150985
46.4949785,48.814202 46.4962774,48.8128965 46.497552,48.8083158
46.5010794,48.806624 46.5026599,48.8060095 46.5032343,48.8027191
46.5070528,48.7961845 46.5141075,48.7944333 46.5156397,48.7915709
46.5189831,48.7904141 46.5207267,48.7902339 46.5210552,48.789085
46.5231499,48.7885665 46.5246226,48.7883522 46.5255083,48.7880446
46.5267783,48.7873188 46.5292839,48.7871443 46.5320249,48.7870859
46.5334613,48.7867523 46.5354586,48.7872132 46.5396493,48.7870516
46.5405174,48.7863996 46.5410276,48.784677 46.5414734)
Le 27/07/2023 à 23:51, Scott a écrit :
> ogr2ogr'ing parquet data to GeoPackage I'm getting the following
> warnings:
> Warning 1: Field names of unhandled type map<string,
> list<array_element: map<string, string ('array_element')>> ('names')>
> ignored
> Warning 1: Field sources of unhandled type list<array_element:
> map<string, string ('array_element')>> ignored
> ...using command:
> ogr2ogr -limit 10 -where "adminlevel = 2 and theme = 'admins'" -nln
> admin -overwrite admin.gpkg
> /vsis3/overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2023-07-26-alpha.0
> It would be nice to save these JSON structures in the .gpkg, but I'm
> not sure how to go about it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Scott
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