[gdal-dev] Virtual Raster Tile Index (VRTTI) driver, and associated gdaltindex improvements

Sean Gillies sean.gillies at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 09:13:51 PST 2023

Hi Even,

I'm wondering how this relates to STAC. Do you imagine that GDAL users
should and will use this to publish large collections of data? When should
they use this and when should they use STAC collections instead?

Back in the day our tile indexes were shapefiles. I don't think this would
be a good practice now. Would all vector formats be supported? How about
column-oriented formats? How backwards compatible will this be with
existing tile index files? Can I just do a gdalinfo "XXXX:example.shp" on a
MapServer tile index?

This feature has been latent and available for a while, yes? It's obviously
useful. My main misgivings are about the overlap with existing GDAL
features and protocols (VRT, WMS, WMTS, STAC, MBTiles). I think too many
choices can create a not great experience for users.

On Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 11:33 AM Even Rouault via gdal-dev <
gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> For those not actively following github tickets & PR, I just want to
> point to a new pending major functionality to improve management of
> virtual mosaics with a very large number of tiles/sources (> tens of
> thousands of tiles), by referencing them as features of a vector layer
> (typically created by gdaltindex), instead of a XML file as in
> traditional VRT, augmented with additional metadata.
> More details in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/8983 (and in initial
> ticket in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/8861)
> Even
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