[gdal-dev] Problem opening new format ECMWF grib files
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jul 12 06:02:30 PDT 2023
please find an issue about that to
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/new and attach a dataset
reproducing the issue or a convenient link to such a dataset
Le 11/07/2023 à 21:01, Simon Proud - STFC UKRI via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm trying to open a grib format file from ECMWF. The file is
> generated using the ECMWF open data python library as follows:
> from ecmwf.opendata import Client
> client = Client()
> result = client.retrieve(
> type="fc",
> param="skt",
> step="0",
> target="data.grb2",
> )
> This produces a grib file I can read with cfgrib and eccodes but not
> with gdal:
> >>>gdalinfo data.grib2
> getdrstemplate: DRS Template 5.42 not defined.
> ERROR 4: data.grib2 is a grib file, but no raster dataset was
> successfully identified.
> gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'data.grib2'.
> I suspect this may be due to changes in their grib format, see:
> https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/COPSRV/Implementation+of+IFS+cycle+48r1+for+CAMS#ImplementationofIFScycle48r1forCAMS-DefaultpackingtypesfordatafromDisseminationandMARS
> Am I correct in this assumption and, if so, is there a way around it
> in GDAL? Otherwise, any clues what could be the problem with this grib?
> Thanks,
> Simon
> --
> *Dr Simon Proud (he/him)*
> *Senior Remote Sensing Scientist*
> RAL Space | National Centre for Earth Observation
> Science and Technology Facilities Council
> simon.proud at stfc.ac.uk<mailto:simon.proud at stfc.ac.uk> |
> www.ralspace.stfc.ac.uk<https://www.ralspace.stfc.ac.uk/>
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Harwell Campus | Didcot
> Tel: +44 1235 445620
> Twitter: @simon_sat
> signature_165909100
> STFC and NCEO are part of UK Research and Innovation.
> www.ukri.org<https://www.ukri.org/>
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