[gdal-dev] Is the SOSI Norwegian driver still useful?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Nov 23 09:00:19 PST 2023


> However, I doubt that these organisations use the SOSI driver from 
> GDAL/OGR to produce these files.

They can't: the driver is read-only

Discussing that topic with other developers today during GDAL maintainer 
meeting, we could proceed with how we did in the past with drivers we 
suspected to be no longer used but lacked data points. That is in 3.9 
the driver will be still there, but when it detects a SOSI dataset, it 
will error out with a message indicating to the user that they have to 
define an environment variable to enable it, and invite them to file an 
issue on the bug tracker to make a case for keeping the driver, 
otherwise without feedback, the driver will be fully removed in 3.10

Dan also pointed to that QGIS ticket 
(https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/50868) where a user reported a 
crash when trying to use a SOSI file, showing that there are issues in 
the driver and/or libfyba.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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