[gdal-dev] GDAL 3.8.1RC3 is available & motion to approve it

Rahkonen Jukka jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue Nov 28 07:57:57 PST 2023



-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: gdal-dev <gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Even Rouault via gdal-dev
Lähetetty: tiistai 28. marraskuuta 2023 17.33
Vastaanottaja: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: [gdal-dev] GDAL 3.8.1RC3 is available & motion to approve it


well, another annoying 3.8.0 regression related to ogr2ogr GPKG -> Shapefile when field names are longer than 10 characters (ah
Shapefile!!!) popped up today, so here's a RC3 (crossing fingers it's the good one):
A snapshot of the gdalautotest suite is also available:
The changes since RC2 are:

* Detect failure in installation of the Python bindings
* Fix installation issue with Python 3.12 on Debian
* GDALOverviewDataset::IRasterIO(): use parent dataset when possible for more
* gdal_footprint: fix wrong taking into account of alpha band (#8834)
* gdal_footprint: fix taking into account of individual bands that have nodata
* COG: for JPEG compression, convert single band+alpha as single band JPEG + 1-bit mask band
* GTIFF SRS reader: include VertCRS name from EPSG in CompoundCRS name if there's no citation geokey
* ogr2ogr: fix GPKG -> Shapefile when field names are truncated (#8849,
3.8.0 regression)
* CSV writer: do not quote integer fields by default (only if STRING_QUOTING=ALWAYS is specified)
* GPX: make detection of extensions element more robust (#8827)
* Shapefile: recognize '      0' as a null date, fix writing an invalid "0000/00/00" date
* Python bindings: add a combineBands option to gdal.Footprint()

Withdrawing previous motion and:

==> Motion: adopt 3.8.1 RC3 as final 3.8.1 release

Starting with my +1,


My software is free, but my time generally not.

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